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The Distinguished Young Women Program can be a lot to understand at once! Check out this Vlog from Nationals and the information below for some of our most commonly asked question and answers! 






  • Did you know that by just participating in the Distinguished Young Women of California Program, you already have access to different college granted scholarships. 

  • This means that just by participating, you have access to scholarships from different colleges across the US.

  • The eligibility for these scholarships can sometimes depend on GPA or which level of the DYW program you have completed, so make sure to read carefully! Just click below!


​Distinguished Young Women (DYW) is a highly respected organization based on strong morals. As a representative of Distinguished Young Women, it is your job to help us protect the integrity of the program and those involved. Please help us by demonstrating consistent behavior with the following standards.

  • Being a Role Model.

    • As a Distinguished Young Woman, you are a role model to people of all ages – young and old. Others notice your actions and the public and the media may scrutinize what you say and do. Therefore, you should always be on your best behavior and be considerate of how your actions reflect on both you and the Distinguished Young Women program.

  • Online Networking.

    • Please use extreme caution with your online activities on sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. Anything published online is public information, whether or not you intend it to be. The way you present yourself online through information, photos, music, etc may negatively reflect your character, as well as the character of Distinguished Young Women. Refrain from using bad language, offensive comments, and suggestive photographs that may portray you as anything but wholesome. Keep in mind, innocent materials may be misinterpreted and used to negatively represent your character, so consider all possible interpretations of your comments, photos, videos, etc. This is a serious issue. If you are asked by Distinguished Young Women to remove any content from a social networking site, please do so promptly and understand that you are helping to protect the integrity of Distinguished Young Women by adhering to these principles. Please remember that people can also screenshot your social media accounts and use them against you.

  • Moral Standards.

    • As a representative of Distinguished Young Women, you are expected to maintain a high moral standard. It is not acceptable for participants to use alcohol, tobacco or electronic cigarettes, illegal drugs, or offensive language. Distinguished Young Women is not affiliated with any religion or personal belief. While Distinguished Young Women supports the freedoms of religion and speech, please be mindful of others when voicing your opinions and beliefs, especially as a representative of the program.

  • Clothing/Attire.

    • Please be sure that your clothing is modest and appropriate for all functions in which you are a representative of Distinguished Young Women. Wear your medallion at public appearances unless you are instructed otherwise.

  • Media.

    • For your protection, as well as the integrity of Distinguished Young Women, please refrain from speaking to any member of the press without the approval and proper supervision. When speaking to the media, make eye contact with the reporter – not the camera. Speak clearly and concisely and avoid using slang terms. Try to eliminate filler words (um, like, you know, etc.). If you don’t know an answer to a question you are asked, simply let the reporter know that you do not know instead of making up an answer. The reporter may rephrase the question to clarify what he or she is asking.

  • Things to Know.

    • The following items are items with which you should be familiar and should share with members of the media whenever possible:

      • Distinguished Young Women’s national outreach program is Be Your Best Self. All participants should promote this program during their time as a representative. Please be familiar with its five elements and purpose and be able to share the program with others whenever possible.

      • Since 1958, Distinguished Young Women has awarded more than $108 million in cash scholarships to young women across the nation.

      • During the 2018 program year, participants received more than $2.1 million in cash scholarships to young women on the local, state and national levels.

      • More than 770,000 young women have participated in Distinguished Young Women, formerly America’s Junior Miss, on the local, state and national levels. Remember these statistics and share them as much as possible.

      • Distinguished Young Women is thankful for its national sponsors. Please be familiar with who they are and what they do. Without these and other sponsors, the Distinguished Young Women programs would not be possible.

      • Distinguished Young Women is not a beauty pageant, but rather a scholarship program that recognizes and rewards overall excellence. Be able to explain the significance of this statement and what it means to you.

      • The Distinguished Young Women evaluation process includes Scholastics, Interview, Fitness, Talent and Self-Expression. Remember these categories and share them with the media when discussing the program. Be able to give a general description of each category.


  • We are an empowerment program. We hope to inspire young women to develop their potential through a fun, transformative experience that culminates in a celebratory onstage Showcase of their accomplishments. This process challenges each young woman to “Be Your Best Self,” our national outreach program, and to see her individuality as a strength. 

  • The confidence each girl gains through participation in our program lasts longer than any scholarship. This confidence in oneself lasts a lifetime. 

  • Distinguished Young Women is a national organization and has conducted programs at the local, at large, state, and national levels since 1957. We hope to inspire and motivate all those who participate. 

  • Many of our participants have never been challenged to stand on a stage, to express themselves through a talent or performing art, or to express and defend their personal opinions.


  • Distinguished Young Women are characterized by scholastic achievement, community involvement, creativity and the quest for excellence in every facet of life.  

  • Judging is based on the same high standards and criteria from the local to the national level.  It emphasizes the positive and stresses overall development of the individual in terms of character, personality, physical fitness, perception, creativity, and ability in human relations.


  • Since 1962 The Distinguished Young Women of California scholarship program has emphasized education by providing scholarship opportunities to outstanding college-bound 11th grade girls while encouraging personal development in all young people through the Be Your Best Self outreach program.  

  • We reward excellence and achievement through the awarding of cash scholarships. 

  • Our Core Values are Integrity, Excellence, Enduring Relationships, and Opportunities.


  • That it is a beauty pageant, a popularity contest, a fundraiser for a local service club, or a program for "brainy" people. It is none of these.

  • All young women are judged on their own merits and each category is judged individually without reference to performance in other judging categories as the judges seek a well-rounded young woman to represent the program.


  • All participants are judged on their own merits and each category is judged individually without reference to performance in other judging categories as the judges seek a well-rounded young woman to represent the program.

  • INTERVIEW (25%) Each participant has a private 10-minute interview with a panel of five judges. The judges evaluate on the basis of knowledge, perception, analytical skills, and the ability with which thoughts are expressed.

  • SCHOLASTICS (25%) A qualified scholastic judge evaluates the participants high school transcript (academic classes only), considering the level of difficulty of coursework. Standardized test scores are also evaluated. 

  • TALENT (20%) Each participant performs an onstage, individually selected and created presentation of no more than 90 seconds. Evaluation is based on appropriateness of selection, originality, technical ability, costume, and stage presence. No live animals or partners are allowed.

  • SELF-EXPRESSION (15%) Each participant presents a brief speech (20 to 30 seconds) to the audience and judges in response to a predetermined question. The participant is evaluated on her content, poise, and presentation skills. 

  • FITNESS (15%) An onstage group aerobic routine is performed to lively, fun music in which each participant is evaluated on the basis of stamina, strength, coordination, and agility.



  • Participant must be in good academic standing and not on academic probation throughout her participation in Distinguished Young Women.

  • Participant must be a resident of the State of California and of a city or county in California that does not hold a local program.

  • Participant must be a citizen of the United States of America or have a Permanent Resident Card.

  • Participant must not be, or have been, been married or pregnant.

  • Participant may not participate in more than one Local, At Large, State or National Distinguished Young Women program.

  • Participant and a parent must sign a Participants Agreement which contractually obligates the participant to the Distinguished Young Women program. 

  • The Distinguished Young Women Participants Agreement cannot be signed if the participant is under contract or agreement of any kind with any person, firm, corporation or other entity with respect to any promotional activities of any kind; has not made any similar commitments for the future; and has no obligations of any kind which would prevent her participation and appearance in the Programs or her compliance with the terms and conditions of the Participants Agreement. This includes contracts with recording companies and professional agents.

  • The Distinguished Young Women Participants Agreement cannot be signed if the participant is involved with, holds a title in, or holds an awarded position in a program similar to Distinguished Young Women such as Miss Outstanding Teen or other similar programs or pageants; or allow herself to be entered into another such program while a participant in Distinguished Young Women. 

  • While participation in a program that is not similar to Distinguished Young Women (as determined by our national office) is allowed, no promotional photos may be taken in inappropriate or unauthorized attire (e.g. swimsuit, crown, tiara, or sash). A similar program may include, but not be limited to, a program which allows a participant to advance from a local level to a state and national level.

  • For any questions regarding the above three items, ask the contact listed below for clarification before choosing not to participate in Distinguished Young Women.

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